
 Life in Bridgeton
by Edgar

When I came to the United states I felt weird. I was just learning English and I felt sad leaving Mexico and my grandma, and my brother who was left by himself. I came to the United States in 1998. I was 3 years old and the next year I was at school.
I been here a long time. I miss my brother,and my grandma.
After awhile, my dad got a job. He still has it. But now he got a lot of money for his house and  so he can pay his bills. I learned that living in
the United States is not very easy. 
To live in Bridgeton you have got to pay a lot of bills and you got to go to school and to take care of yourself. When I grow up I'm going to graduate high school.  I’m going to work and get good jobs to get money and pay for my house.